Enhancing IT/OT Security: A Comprehensive Approach by Globals Inc.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) has become a critical focus for organizations aiming to secure their industrial environments. At Globals Inc., we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with integrating IT and OT systems. Our state-of-the-art solutions and services are designed to provide robust cybersecurity measures, ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial operations.

The Importance of IT/OT Security

The integration of IT and OT systems offers numerous benefits, including improved operational efficiency, real-time data analytics, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. However, this convergence also introduces new vulnerabilities and threats. Cyber-attacks on OT systems can lead to significant disruptions, financial losses, and even safety hazards. Therefore, it is crucial to implement comprehensive security measures that protect both IT and OT environments.

Globals Inc.’s OT/ICS Cyber Range Lab

At Globals Inc., we have established an OT/ICS Cyber Range Lab equipped with production-grade equipment to simulate industrial processes in a controlled environment. This lab allows our clients to:

  • Perform Hands-On Training: Our training sessions use real-world equipment to solidify OT/ICS cybersecurity concepts, helping participants develop a cybersecurity mindset for their daily tasks.
  • Conduct Cyber-Attack Simulations: We demonstrate various cyber-attack scenarios to show how OT assets can be compromised, discussing vulnerabilities, potential damages, and mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluate Cybersecurity Tools: Clients can request hands-on demos of cybersecurity tools to understand their technical capabilities and evaluate their effectiveness in different scenarios.
  • Test Cybersecurity Remediations: Before implementing a cybersecurity remediation plan, our specialists can test its effectiveness in a simulated environment, ensuring reliability and robustness.

Key Capabilities of Our Cybersecurity Solutions

Our cybersecurity solutions are designed to provide full visibility and control over industrial networks. Key capabilities include:

  • Protect: Detect vulnerabilities, insecure configurations, and unauthorized connections.
  • Control: Enforce network segmentation and manage remote access.
  • Detect: Continuously monitor and detect malicious activities.
  • Respond: Receive context-rich alerts for rapid triage and investigation.

Leveraging Claroty CTD Architecture

To streamline the adoption of cybersecurity solutions, our lab is equipped with an on-premise Claroty Continuous Threat Detection (CTD) Architecture. This setup helps clients understand Claroty’s capabilities, such as asset discovery and threat detection, making it easier to monitor and secure their OT networks.

About Globals Inc.

Globals Inc. is a recognized Indian company offering comprehensive cybersecurity solutions and enterprise software solutions across various industries, including Government, Defence, E-Commerce, Education, SMEs, Manufacturing, and Travel. Our expertise in AI-based cybersecurity and cyber defence systems, combined with our state-of-the-art Zero Day Lab for network devices, positions us as a leader in the field.